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Simple, inclusive pricing

Build connections and unlock opportunities with flexible online scheduling. Stay innovative and ahead of the curve without being charged an extra cost for bookings. 

Every subscription includes access to all features.


Start a 14 day free trial

£ 14 / month

Number of calendars
*One bundle includes 1x user and 1x calendar

(Enter a value between 1 - 99)
*One bundle includes 1x user and 1x calendar

Self-serve features Enterprise features
Access to all integrations
Unlimited customizable booking widgets
Multi-timezone and language functionality
Automated communications (email and SMS)
Event specific booking tools
Flexible payment management
Multi-calendar management
Tailored service setup and scheduling
Tiered user permissions
Data insights
Single sign on with SAML, Facebook, or Google
GDPR compliant CRM and marketing suites
Webhooks and open API
Advanced comms in HTML
Advanced API support
Data analysis and industry recommendations
Dedicated account manager
Comprehensive implementation and launch plan
Rapid response times via our Enterprise SLA
Advanced project management
Best in class booking tool audits
Quarterly data reports

Tangible ROI

Our award-winning online booking and scheduling software has helped our clients save thousands of pounds a year.

100% conversion rate from booked appointment to paying customer

100% capacity, sold out every event

1,300% increase in revenue directly resulting from appointments year on year

Trusted by world's leading brands

Pricing FAQs

Are there any hidden costs?

No. All Appointedd customers can access every product update and feature as part of one inclusive and transparent price – so that each and every member of our community is empowered to grow and scale. We maintain one version of our software for all clients.

How can I use Appointedd with my other software?

Appointedd’s API is built to streamline your business operations, minimize disruption to your existing processes, and shape a booking system to your exact specifications. We integrate with accounting, CRM, calendar, marketing systems and more. Check out our integrations.

What support can Appointedd provide?

Whether you prefer to manage your own booking tools or want an expert team to support your specific requirements, Appointedd is fully flexible to your needs.

Core product 

If you want to ask us a question we are on hand with 24/7 live support and we are proud to say we have the fastest response time in the industry.

We want to be as supportive as possible. Hit the chat icon in the bottom right corner where you can start chatting with a member of the team and find our support articles.

  • Robust knowledge base
  • 24/7 live chat support desk
  • Humans, not robots
  • Friendliest team in industry

Proactive and strategic support for life

If you’re looking for advice from industry experts to help you achieve your business targets, our consultative team of Client Partners are there to collaborate with you at every step of the way.

  • A bespoke consultative approach to success
  • Embedded project management including weekly catchups and dedicated slack channels
  • Access to our innovative Product Team for user testing, product feedback and collaboration opportunities
  • Ahead of the curve rollout of new features to maximise business impact

What do I need to run Appointedd?

Appointedd is cloud-based so you can access and run Appointedd anywhere, at any time, from any device with no hardware required.

Is my customer data secure?

Yes. We use a strong SSL encryption protocol (TLS v1.2), a strong key exchange (ECDHE_RSA with P-256), and a strong cipher (AES_128_GCM) to encrypt communication of customer data over HTTPS between the clients, servers and the database. Never compromise your customers’ personal information with our rock solid ISO27001 accredited platform.


Start free trial

14 day free trial. No credit card required

Fast setup, no tech skills needed

Free account setup call and 24/7 live chat support

Take your first booking in under 5 minutes

For enterprise

Dedicated account management

Ongoing strategic support and enterprise SLAs

In-depth data and reporting

Team of in-house industry experts