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Connect Appointedd and Zoom webinars

The seamless scheduling and video conferencing

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Online booking system Zoom webinars integration

Appointedd’s online booking system integrates with Zoom to streamline booking management and with Zoom webinars. Our native integration allows you to link webinars you set up in Zoom with bookings in Appointedd. These webinars will then display in your Appointedd booking tools and when a customer books onto the webinar they will receive the link to join in their confirmation email sent via Appointedd.

Appointedd and Zoom offer businesses a complete, integrated online booking and video conferencing solution. Our integration saves you time, reduces admin by automatically sending the webinar URL to every attendee, and removes the need for back-and-forth emails.

About Appointedd

Appointedd’s online booking and scheduling software is an advanced, flexible time management solution for businesses at every level. Integrate Appointedd with a host of leading business tools for a simple, powerful scheduling and business management solution.

About Zoom

Zoom allows to host and attend video & voice meetings, webinars, and chat across desktops, phones, mobile devices, and conference room systems. You can also share your screen, engage in live chat, and record any meetings you may need to refer to later.


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