New to Appointedd

Everything you need to know if you are new to using Appointedd

Jubrine Fortuno avatarMadeline avatarRuta Vareikaite avatar
3 authors6 articles

Industry specific guides

Everything you need to know about how to set up Appointedd for your use case

Jubrine Fortuno avatar
1 author14 articles

Setup (Services, Resources and Assets)

Everything you need to know about the features and functionality under the "Setup" tab in Appointedd.

Jubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatarMadeline avatar
3 authors33 articles

Business Setup

Jubrine Fortuno avatarMadeline avatar
2 authors11 articles

Booking flow

Madeline avatarJubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatar
3 authors19 articles

Booking tools (booking pages and booking widgets)

Everything you need to know about taking bookings online under the "Booking tools" tab in Appointedd.

Jubrine Fortuno avatarMadeline avatar
2 authors16 articles

Booking management

Everything you need to know about managing your calendar and bookings online under the "Bookings" tab in Appointedd.

Jubrine Fortuno avatarMadeline avatar
2 authors23 articles

Email & SMS Communications

Everything you need to know about sending communications under the "Email & SMS" tab in Appointedd.

Jubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatar
2 authors17 articles

Connect tab and Integrations

Everything you need to know about the integrations under the "Connect" tab in Appointedd.

Madeline avatarJubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatar
3 authors51 articles

Customers and CRM

Everything you need to know about managing your customers online under the "Customers" tab in Appointedd.

Jubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatar
2 authors10 articles

Mobile app

Everything you need to know about using companion Appointedd's mobile application.

Jubrine Fortuno avatar
1 author1 article

Your Appointedd account

Everything you need to know about managing your account under the profile icon in Appointedd.

Jubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatarMadeline avatar
3 authors18 articles

Troubleshooting guides

Follow these step-by-step guides to troubleshoot your problems and get to the bottom of any mysteries

Madeline avatarJubrine Fortuno avatar
2 authors15 articles

Features coming soon

Everything you need to know about the features we are building right now

Jubrine Fortuno avatar
1 author1 article

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions asked by customers

Madeline avatarJubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatar
3 authors10 articles

Technical Documentation

Support guides for those with an advanced level of technical understanding

Jubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatar
2 authors12 articles

Data and security

Everything you need to know about how Appointedd keeps your data secure

Jubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatar
2 authors5 articles


Learn about different types of reports available within your Appointedd account

Jubrine Fortuno avatarRuta Vareikaite avatar
2 authors5 articles