It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for: permissions are here! You now have more control over who can access which parts of your Appointedd online booking system, ideal for organisations that manage larger teams or handle sensitive client information.

There are now three levels of user permissions for your Appointedd account:

  • An administrator has full access to Appointedd, all features and can also manage user permissions. This is usually the owner of the organisation.
  • A user has access to Appointedd and all features but cannot manage user permissions. This is usually the manager of the organisation.
  • A restricted user has access to those calendars which are assigned to them by the Administrator. They only have access to those calendars and the contact details of the customers within that calendar, and the tasks assigned to them. They do not have access to customer lists, admin, marketing or settings.

The user who set up the account will automatically be the first administrator, but once more resources are added any of these may also be made an administrator.

It’s very simple to add a new user and specify their user permissions by going to the Users section of your settings. Simply click Add User and you will be able to enter the new user’s details and choose their permissions.

For a complete step-by-step guide to all aspects of user permissions, go to our support article.

Sign in or start your free trial to try out this and all our new features.


Published on 28 February 2017